When you try hard to get someone.

Praveen Singh
Life Torch
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2022

We have friends and relatives and we want them to be always with us. Life and any sort of relations cannot exist without conflicts. Conflicts are part of any relationship and it is completely ok to have a different perspective sometimes.

Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

But what if these conflicts bring a gap in the bonding of a relationship. We don’t want any sort of conflict, we mostly try to avoid such things but as I said before conflicts are part of every relationship and you can’t avoid it.

When there occurs a rift in the bonding of your relationship, you put your efforts to bring things back to normal but is it really possible to get things back to their original shape? Well, it depends if the efforts are mutual and if both the person involved in that relationship want to make a genuine effort to get things normal.

If the efforts are one-sided then no matter how hard you try at last you will make fun of yourself as people don’t care for things that they don’t want.

We have watched movies and web series a lot and it has conditioned our minds that we have to put all our efforts to get a person but in reality that’s not how the world is. Your hard efforts will make you look desperate to be with that person and it will not only harm your self-respect but will also make you feel regret.

Make yourself clear to the other person and make him/her understand your perspective and don’t feel shy to confess that you want to make things back to normal. Now let the other person decide if they want it or not.

You can put effort to make a person smile but at last, the decision belongs to the other person whether they want to smile or not.

Thanks for reading, please comment down your views on it.

