7 Life Lessons I Realized in Middle Age

Simple advice that I wish I knew in my 20s

Samantha Kemp-Jackson
Life, Unvarnished.


Woman thinking and smiling, looking upward.
Photo by Paola Aguilar on Unsplash

Dreams of time travel

As a woman of a certain age, it’s easy to look back over my life and think about the mistakes that I’ve made. Decades of trial and error, achievements and disappointments have coloured my perspectives on a range of real-life experiences. The reality is that the older you get, the more clearly you see every life situation for what it really is.

Oh, to be able to time travel back to those awkward teenage moments, or during that breakup where you were sure that the world was about to end.

“If I knew then what I know now” is a poignant sentiment from all of us who have made mistakes — and have lived to remember these missteps in all of their vivid glory.

“If I knew then what I know now” is a poignant sentiment from all of us who have made mistakes — and have lived to remember these missteps in all of their vivid glory.

And as simple and straightforward that the following advice may seem, know that for many of us, it takes years — no, decades — to come to these realizations. Some never come to them at all, and some do, though much later in…



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