A Bespoken Choice

The possibilities are endless

Samantha Kemp-Jackson
Life, Unvarnished.


Photo by Luis Quintero on Unsplash

Will that be brown then, or blue?” Dr. Osaka wanted to be sure he had it straight. After all, his patient, Sybil, had been vacillating between the two.

“I’ve decided on brown. ‘Brown-Eyed Girl,’ it’s a classic, you know? My mother was an aficionado of historical music from the late 20th century. It was the area of study that formed her doctoral thesis. I grew up listening to that tune which she played all the time when I was a kid.”

“Great! And the hair colour?”

Sybil paused for a moment and thought about the various choices. She’d always loved the beauty of red hair; jet black locks, however, were enticing.

“I’ll go for your specialty, ‘Vantablack Night.’ My husband has always been partial to darker locks.”

Sybil’s husband had been talking about their next child for months. He’d envisioned a little girl with Black hair and brown eyes. Sybil had tried to push for blue, but as with most debates between them, she lost. A gracious loser, she dutifully conveyed the final decision to the doctor.

“Wonderful! A fantastic choice. I’ve had so many patients choose this hair colour and they’ve been thrilled with the results. Not surprisingly, some of my over-90-year-old patients come back every year for an infusion. The…



Samantha Kemp-Jackson
Life, Unvarnished.

Writer, Media Commentator and overall opinionated individual. I live in the past A. Lot. Follow me on Substack: LivingInThePast.Substack.Com