Whatever Happened to Quicksand?

For Generation X, it was an existential threat

Samantha Kemp-Jackson
Life, Unvarnished.


As a kid, I was petrified that I’d have the misfortune of being gobbled up by quicksand.

Similar to the Bermuda Triangle fear, this particular cause of childhood anxiety wasn’t helped by popular culture at the time.

It was everywhere — TV shows, movies, sometimes even as part of the news.

Where this quicksand existed, I didn’t know, but it really didn’t matter.

It was a threat. A very big threat, looming over the lives of anyone who dared to venture into an area where it existed.

And that was the question.

If you watched television on a regular basis as I did in the 70s ( latchkey kid here, TV was my companion), the threat was real. Quicksand was coming to get you, and you would slowly sink into it’s unyielding vortex whether you liked it or not.

Quicksand: The struggle was real.

It’s just sand and H20. That’s it.

What is quicksand, anyway?

It’s basically sand. With water, and lots of it.



Samantha Kemp-Jackson
Life, Unvarnished.

Writer, Media Commentator and overall opinionated individual. I live in the past A. Lot. Follow me on Substack: LivingInThePast.Substack.Com