5 Personal Finance Tips and Tricks To Make You Rich

I’m not an investor, but I know how to earn money.

Olha Bahaieva
Life Voice


rich guys drinks alcohol
Photo by Kats Weil on Unsplash

I wanted to start this article with something that will highlight your problem of not earning enough, but I believe it’s what all writers here do first.

This is why I want to start this article with the words that everything is possible. If you want to become rich, but you’re sure that it’s not possible, I want to assure you that you can do it.

I won’t promise that after reading this article you will become super rich, but you will get a strategy that I’ve used to go from 0 to a high class. Hey, I started as you from nothing and looking for my personal apartment or home today.

Let’s review my tips that will help you plan your life in a new way.

Set Financial Goals

Ok, first how much do you want to earn to declare that you’re rich? You need to have a solid understanding of a financial goal in your mind. Don’t say “I want $1 million”. Nope, it doesn’t work like that.

Let’s say you want to earn 180k per year. I believe that it’s a solid financial goal if you earn 80k per year by now. You can imagine your own digits, I just show you an example.



Olha Bahaieva
Life Voice

Lead UX/UI Designer, Mentor, UXDC Founder • UX/UI Design • Get 100+ UX/UI design tools collection: https://olhabahaieva.ck.page/52893cef89