The First Few Days

Reha Bublani
Life with Frodo
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2017

I have never had a dog. Just grown up imagining what it is like. Once in a while when I would have my cousin’s dog stay over, I would be thrilled and spend my time playing with him for hours. 5 years ago when I got married to Nitish, we decided we would be dog parents. The question was when. Several GBs of our internet have been spent watching doggy videos and behavioural training tutorials. On a few occasions when we have watched television, we have chosen Cesar Milan and almost mugged up his advices. Over the years we have waited for the perfect puppy and the perfect moment. I had, in my imagination, created and lived the moment when I see our puppy for the first time, over and over again. But in reality, the moment when we would meet our pup was far far away from my imagination.

A 35 day old pup was put in my arms. Thats it. Period.

It was tiny. Barely managing to open its eyes. Walking its wobbly walk and licking our hands at every given opportunity.

To be honest, the idea of bringing up such a small creature scared me to the bits. I felt it was unfair to take him away from his mother, his litter mates, so young. Should we send him back? Are we being unfair to the little one? What if he does not make it? What if he has behavioural issues when he grows up because he was unable to learn manners from his mom? One call to the “owners” and we knew it was a bad idea. They refused to acknowledge our existence.

Nitish and I both believe in the universe. Our pup has come to us for a reason — for he deserves a chance to fight and make it through in life. We have spent the last 3 days nursing him, cleaning him of ticks and fleas, feeding him at odd hours, playing with him whenever he wakes up, cleaning his pee and poop and keeping him in the cleanest and most hygienic environment possible. We know it is a gamble. But we are with our little one to help him make it through. After all, is this not what parents are for?

