How to Manage Anxiety and OCD

Natasha Marie Peters
Inside the mind of OCD
3 min readFeb 14, 2019

It’s 2019, five years removed from my diagnosis, and I am still learning how to manage my anxiety and OCD. Here’s what I’ve learned.

This is my first blog post in 2019. I’m excited to start the year with a breakthrough and striking epiphany I had this evening. I realized (finally), Anxiety is just an illusion. A tormenting illusion that keeps you captive from the truth. This truth, allows you to see clearly, while crippling fear and granting you self-confidence. This truth provides freedom from unwarranted misery, and illogical mindsets.

So what is this truth? The answer is simple: YOU. Your brain is capable of living in the truth, by being present and living moment by moment. You have the proper tools and ability to outsmart anxiety and live the life you were meant for. How? Put it out to the universe/pray, that you’re on the path to peace, joy and self-empowerment. Focus on it. Make the commitment to your mental health, by starting to work on yourself and your anxiety. Identify how anxiety makes you feel, and you’ll begin to recognize it faster. Learn to sit alongside anxiety, allowing it to be there. This, by far is the hardest thing for me to do

Anxiety LOVES attention, like a vampire craves blood- it’s necessary for survival. Even people without anxiety disorders feel anxiety, but it fails to make a home in their mind. I want my anxiety to go away as fast as possible, therefore, I’m forcing myself to sit with it, to learn from it and about it. I’m doing things I’m afraid of, like writing this blog. It’s taken me two weeks to complete this blog because of negative thoughts telling me I’m not good enough. I’m learning to try anyways. Worst case scenario, I learn how to be a better writer. Life is about trying, and stepping outside of your “comfort zones”, because more than likely, those zones were chosen for you, not by you. So, why not create your own life? Why not try to change the world or find a cure for a chronic disease? It’s all possible if you want to accomplish it. Unfortunately and fortunately, you are the deciding factor of the road you travel.

Once you acknowledge you’re ready to change your life, your cognitive abilities start to manifest. Heightened awareness is present, and your brain is ready to evolve. You’ll be amazed how quickly your mindset can change.

Eventually logic and love consume you, and naturally, you’ll gain freedom from hate, regret and fear. As your mind transforms, the logic and love become the roots that feed and nourish your brain.

After all, illusions are described as make-belief, therefore, you can get rid of the illusion by changing your thoughts. A shift in your thought process can eliminate the nonsense illusions create, and a considerable amount of mental freedom could be gained. So the question is, what will you do with your freedom?

