N-n-n-Nachos — Your Way!

Emily Morgan
Life Your Way
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2020


Delicious, super-healthy and everyone loves them.

Photo by the author

Mm, nachos. I have to say, of all the many and varied cuisines I love to try out at home, Mexican is probably my number one comfort food choice. There’s something about the warm, but not too painful spices (okay, I know Mexican can be super-spicy, but not the way I do it!), the colorful veggies and the delicious blend of corn and cheese that really makes me feel at home.

Today, I’m sharing my favorite nacho sauce, which you can use on top of corn chips or in the filling of burritos or tacos. It’s pretty versatile and I’ll be honest: sometimes I just use some good old Old El Paso jar sauce instead of making my own salsa. It saves time! And it still gets a super veggie hit! Check out my recipe below.

Nacho Sauce with Beef

Yep, this is a meat and veg recipe. As always, you can substitute meat for chick peas or lentils or a not-meat of your choice. It’s perfectly yummy with veggies alone.


  • Tomatoes — fresh or tinned. Chopped into at least quarters. I use the equivalent of four tins, and I’m making a big saucepan full of sauce!
  • Tomato soup, tinned (this adds bulk and extra tomato flavor) — you can substitute tomato paste, even ketchup, though go easy if the ketchup is…



Emily Morgan
Life Your Way

Top Writer in Parenting, Food and Cooking. Lover of language, history, travel, writing and life! Visit @EmilyMMorganMe or http://www.emilymmorgan.info.