The Ultimate Internship Search Guide for Robotics Students

How to apply, what to expect, and tips to land the perfect internship.

Life and Tech
16 min readJul 2, 2020


Finding an internship can be a confusing, even daunting prospect for many students. This is mostly due to the lack of structure, and field-specific information available to us. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to applying for internships, especially if you’re a student of robotics. To add to the misery, the hiring process itself is more or less broken; ghosting recruiters, delayed impersonal responses, keyword searching algorithms (that seem to miss your resume every single time), and worst of all, scam job postings can make the process even more stressful.

The focus of your internship search should not be to beat the system, but to work with it. You need to adopt some practices that will help you get your foot in the door and maximize your chances of securing the internship of your dreams.

If you are a beginner, you may be experiencing some common doubts such as what kind of roles should I apply to, why am I not getting responses, how should I draft my resume, what kind of projects should I list, whom should I approach before/after applying, and so on. We have tried to answer most of these questions based on our first-hand experience, our peers’ first-hand experiences, and advice from experts in the field. This article is the one I wish I had read before starting my internship search.

Why should you seek an internship?

An internship is a short time professional learning experience where students can work on practical, meaningful, industry-related projects while surrounded by mentors who are experts in the field.

Internships are a great way to improve your technical as well as soft skills. They give you an opportunity to form a strong network. My favorite part of the internship experience was how it gave me a sneak peek at a career in my field of interest. Internships show you what skills are required in the industry. They look great on your resume and provide a platform to put your classroom education into practice.

From the employer’s point of view, internships are a way to bring in fresh ideas and new energy into the team. They also use internships as talent pipelines for future full-time employees.

It is very important to remember that internships are a give and take. The employer has just as much to gain from you as you from them.

Paid Internships VS Unpaid Internships

This is where your internship search starts to become customized. It is vital to understand the pros and cons of choosing a paid or unpaid internship. Both kinds have a lot of experience to offer and can be viewed as equally vital learning opportunities.

Paid internships are preferred mostly because of the well-established nature of the company, the possibility of conversion into full-time roles, and the source of income. Most paid internships are offered by large companies and often, to a large number of interns. This means that the spotlight is rarely ever on you and the projects you work on may not be glamorous. At the same time, you get the opportunity to create a strong network of peers and mentors, experience the working of a large organization, and understand the part you play in it.

“I interned in NOKIA Bell Labs in the summer of 2019, with the BHAG lab to adapt and evaluate the V-SLAM pipeline for indoor navigation of ground and aerial Robots. My process for finding an internship mainly involved, messaging middle/upper-level management at places where internship positions were open. On finding an opening at Bell Labs I messaged the lab head (and my mentor). He took an instant liking to my resume and past experiences. We decided to have a call and discuss in depth about the projects on my resume and how I could contribute to the project. They liked some of my ideas and hence offered me an internship. The internship was a great experience as I had great lab members backing me and guiding me. Quite a lot of what I had learned in the courses was of significant use during the internship. However, there was more rigor required for the proof of concept. I ended up achieving some goals that we had set out to achieve. I also got to meet a lot of new and interesting people and make new connections.”
Suyash Yeotikar, Robotics student at University of Maryland, College Park

Unpaid internships are in decline all over the United States but they still exist majorly in start-ups. These companies have a lot of quality work to offer but not enough resources to pay for it. Although unpaid internships sound offputting to many, it is important to establish some facts about them.

  • Like any other internship, they help you build a network in the industry that you can leverage later for a full-time role.
  • You gain a rare opportunity to witness the working of a company from the ground up. You are exposed to the operational and managerial aspects along with the technical. This is not possible in a large organization.
  • You are given much more responsibility and ownership over the project assigned to you. You have the platform to add value that can affect the growth of the company in a very real way.
  • A small company usually has a very friendly working environment. You work together as a unit and it can be a fun-filled experience.

The cons of an unpaid internship are lack of full-time roles and lack of funding. If it’s hands-on technical experience you are after, these internships are rich with them.

“I worked at Watchtower Robotics, a startup in Boston. As a Robotics intern, I was in charge of the entire electronics framework of the robot. This made me the go-to technical person during meetings with sponsors and I also got to meet and have a one-on-one discussion with renowned inventor Dean Kamen! Eventually, I also worked on the mechanical framework, manufacturing projects, and worked with cutting edge technology at the Autodesk buildspace. The company culture was welcoming and fun. We often had meals together and went on hikes and rock climbing adventures. It was a very rare experience and I am grateful to have been a part of it.”
Aaradhana K Subramanian, Mechatronics Design Engineer at ASML

Overall, it is always better to choose to gain experience (paid or unpaid) rather than do no work at all. Data suggests that people who have internship experience yield a better employment outcome. Angellist is a great resource to find and apply to start-up companies.

Keeping these factors in mind, go after an internship that better satisfies your needs in terms of short-term gains, long-term gains, benefits, and opportunity costs.

Understanding Jobs in Robotics

Robotics is a multidisciplinary field. Think of it as a melting pot where computer science, mechanical, electrical, and various other engineering fields come together to work towards a common goal. This multidisciplinary nature can be taken advantage of at the university level. However, when it comes to the industry most jobs will focus on one of the fields involved. All of these options can seem overwhelming at first, but a little bit of research and introspection will put you on the right path.

You can take two approaches to finding a role that suits your interest. You can either try to specialize or be a jack of all trades.

If you chose to specialize:
Some students gravitate towards a sub-field of robotics during classroom training. For example computer vision, path planning, control systems, electrical design, aerospace, and so on. In this case, most of their project and research experience is focused and therefore, allows them to filter the companies that offer these kinds of jobs.

If you are a jack of all trades:
Most students fall into this category. Usually, they like designing and building systems from scratch while being equally exposed to all aspects at once. They enjoy robotics as a whole and are unable to pick one niche to specialize in. When it comes to searching for internships, it puts them in a sticky situation where they are unable to show expertise in one sub-field or are overwhelmed by the vast selection of jobs they can apply to.

In this case, it is very important to remember that most internships are presented as learning opportunities. This means that you are not expected to be an expert in a certain field but motivated enough to learn. You can take advantage of this multidisciplinary skillset and leverage your understanding of systems as a whole to get into any kind of industry you want.

Types of internships in robotics

Robotics Software Engineer

There are several jobs available in this field and they are often well compensated. Due to the high demand for software jobs, people that pursue them are also huge in number. Software engineering roles require strong coding skills, especially in C/C++ and Python. Familiarity with the Robot Operating System (ROS), algorithms, and industry level software development practices are appreciated.

Perception Engineer/ Computer Vision Engineer
These roles require a strong gasp on perception algorithms, image understanding, and familiarity with Python CV/ML tools; OpenCV, Sklearn, Numpy, and deep learning packages like Tensorflow and Keras. Most self-driving car companies and fleet management companies look for computer vision interns. There are a huge number of startups in this field.

Path Planning Engineer
These roles look for strong coding skills, experience with path planning algorithms, graph theory, search algorithms, localization, trajectory optimization, SLAM, etc. Self-driving car companies and warehouse management companies have a huge demand for path-planning interns. There are also other companies with different applications such as medical robotics that may require these skills as well.

Last summer I did my internship with Nexteer, an automotive company in Michigan. I mainly worked on the ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System). This system is kind of a bridge between the self-driving era and the traditional automotive (mainly manufacturing oriented) era. ADAS features have been a long time companion of high-end features for cars. These days, these features are moving towards the self-driving type features. My day-to-day work involved behavioral planning, interfacing with sensor information, path-planning, and implementation of these features in real-time on an autonomous vehicle. I had to develop the algorithm on a simulated setup, and then implement it on an Autonomous vehicle platform. For anyone who wants to work in this area needs to be proficient in C++. This is very important because most aspects of the job would require you to interact with hardware or implement your code in real-time. C++ is by far the most widely used language and would certainly be a plus if you are good at that. Also, many tasks would require you to do a simulation first, so knowing MATLAB and Simulink is a plus.
Rachith Prakash, Robotics student at University of Maryland, College Park

Mechatronics engineer

These roles are traditional robotics jobs. Jobs in this area are in Guidance Navigation & Control (GNC), system design, sensor fusion. The main skills required are a good background in estimation theory, signal processing, and proficiency in simulation tools like MATLAB and Simulink. These core field jobs are not as many in number as software jobs but are compensated well in the market.

Control systems engineer
These jobs demand a strong foundation in control theory, the ability to work with sensor data, robot kinematics, and tuning of control loops. Coming from the field of robotics, you must have a good understanding of both classical and modern control techniques and their application in estimation theory. Familiarity with Kalman estimation, PID controllers and MATLAB is a must.

Sensor fusion engineer
Sensor fusion deals with combining data from multiple sensors and using that data for estimation. A good knowledge of different kinds of sensors, actuators, analog and digital filters, signal processing, linear and non-linear system analysis is recommended. You may also be required to calibrate sensors and develop mathematical models for them. These internships usually look for prior experience with sensor systems.

Systems engineer
Systems engineers look at the system as a whole. They have technical knowledge but are not directly involved in developing the product. They work with the management to streamline product design. They also play a major role in system integration. As a robotics engineer, these jobs might appear attractive but in general, people who pursue systems engineering as their major are more suitable for these positions. However, any relevant systems experience will definitely add to your profile.

AI & Machine learning engineer

This field has been gaining traction lately due to the increased capacity of electronics available at a cheaper rate. As more processing power becomes available, AI and Machine learning applications benefit directly from it. There are a large number of jobs available in this field. These kinds of jobs are suitable for people who can stay updated with the rapid changes that occur in this field.

A good understanding of data science, machine learning algorithms, neural networks, data architecture, and deep learning frameworks like Tensorflow and Keras are mandatory. The ability to analyze and discover root causes for data discrepancies in large datasets is appreciated. Most industries that require predictive maintenance and data analysis hire these interns.


The best platform to find and apply for internships is the company’s careers page. However, it is not feasible to know all available positions in all relevant companies from a simple google search. There are a few dedicated platforms that help narrow down your search as listed below.

Your university’s career services

Most universities have partnerships or diplomatic relations with many companies in the area. These companies might regularly show up for career fairs, and other recruitment events. These one-on-one interaction opportunities with companies are a great way to get your foot in the door and bag an interview. The university may also have a career portal where they list all the roles offered by different companies on their database that they build using alumni data.


This is a great platform to professionally network and find like-minded people. It is a good way to keep in touch with the latest developments in robotics and find relevant companies. An updated LinkedIn profile acts as an online resume and allows recruiters to find you based on your skillset. LinkedIn has a job portal where most of the companies list their postings. It is a great way to filter the kind of jobs you are looking for.
The newer the job posting, the better your chance for an interview call. Always filter job postings by recent.

Other Platforms

There are several other platforms that offer up-to-date listings along with data on salary insights, job culture, etc. Application processes become simpler when you have an updated profile ready to share with recruiters. Some of these platforms include Glassdoor, Indeed, Angellist, Zip Recruiter, Google Jobs, and Simply Hired.

Application Strategies

Once you have decided on the kind of internship you are looking for or are open to, it is recommended to figure out an application strategy that will best suit your schedule and maximize your chances of getting an interview.


This is the basic requirement that every job application demands. It is a single document that will be used to judge your candidacy. The resume is a summary of your technical experience, academic proficiency, and skillset. Your resume must be clear, concise, and not more than a page in length. It must not look cluttered. At the same time, it must summarize your projects and skills efficiently in such a manner that a 5 to 10-second scan will indicate your interests and show how your past experiences are in line with them.

The best way to describe an experience or a project is by using the STAR approach. Each project description must include the Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Situation addresses the problem statement of the project. Task indicates what you set out to achieve. Action describes the implementation, and Result describes your output in a quantifiable manner. Describing projects using this approach leaves little room for doubt and summarizes your project efficiently.

“I cannot understate the importance of class projects. They are not only great learning opportunities, but also your opportunity to show what you can do. When I write letters of recommendation, I always talk about a student’s project work. Be creative, thorough, show you like to challenge yourself. They are also opportunities for something close to “work experience”. Expect to talk about them in interviews. Put your best ones on your resume. Finally, use them as opportunities for the prof to get to know you better. The prof can sometimes leverage their network to find positions or will provide an internship in their own lab or company if you stand out.”
Chad Kessens, Autonomous Robotics Researcher at U.S. Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory, Adjunct Lecturer at Maryland Robotics Center

Always try to tailor your resume for each role or application. Most job portals shortlist resumes based on keywords. Make sure you read each job description thoroughly, understand what they are looking for, and include these keywords while prepping your resume.

Quality vs Quantity

We have seen two main approaches that students take when it comes to sending out applications.

Quality applications are those that are carefully tailored to suit each role. These applications require diligence and the ability to spend enough time per application. This also means that you may not be able to apply to a large number of companies, but at the same time, your applications will be impressive. Students who already have a specific field of interest, have lots of relevant experience and have a clear idea of which companies they would like to work for, should take this approach.

If you are a student who is unsure about which field to apply to or are interested in a wide range of roles, it is recommended that you take the quantity approach. Keep in mind that this does not indicate that your applications should degrade in quality. However, you do not need to draft a new resume and cover letter for each role individually. Instead, you can draft a set of resumes and model cover letters, one for each type of position (computer vision, control systems etc) beforehand. This speeds up your process of application and helps you cover a large range of companies which increases the chances of a callback.

Networking and having an online presence

As mentioned before, having an updated LinkedIn profile opens a lot of doors for you. Building a website or portfolio to display all your projects in one place is also a good idea. GitHub is a great platform to share your code and resources, and make an impact in the community.

“Networking is one of the most important skills in your search for a job or internship. It requires a lot of effort, patience, persistence, and perseverance. There are plenty of qualified applicants in the US job market but the successful ones have excellent technical, communication, and networking skills. Don’t just rely on campus-fairs and online applications but actively reach out to the technical folks at companies of your interest. Attend conferences, presentations, trade-shows, and other events where these companies send their technical and HR staff. Don’t be shy to approach folks whether in person or online. Communication skills are extremely important. You should be able to articulate all contents on your resume and cover letter. Don’t wait until the spring semester. Start your search in the fall. Strive for excellence and perfection. Never give up and when uncertain ask your peers, professors, program advisors, and staff at the Career Office at your university. We all want you to be successful.”
Waseem Malik, Section supervisor at John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Adjunct Faculty at Maryland Robotics Center

Is cold-emailing a good practice?
A common practice undertaken by students is to cold-email recruiters and employees of companies. This practice can be unhelpful if done blindly. The best way to approach employees or recruiters is to do the due diligence first.

It is true that the US job market is much easier to navigate if you have a referral or good contacts in the industry. This is not always possible to obtain, and therefore, a lot of students opt for cold-emailing in the hope that they might find someone to refer them.

If you want to reach out to recruiters and employees who are unfamiliar to you, there are some good practices that you need to follow.

  • Keep your introductory message short and simple. Explain what value you bring to the table and why you are a good fit for the role. Make sure to mention the role and provide a link to it.
  • Don’t hesitate to follow up. Gentle persistence can go a long way, but do not overdo it.
  • Be sure to clearly state your expectations from the person you are reaching out to.
  • Don’t send the same email copy-pasted to multiple employees in the company. Make sure to tailor each message according to the recipient.

How to navigate career fairs

Career fairs are a great way to discover new companies that do interesting work in your field. It is an opportunity to work on your soft-skills and exercise your self-marketing capabilities. Here are some tips to prepare you for your first career fair.

  • Have a set of resumes proof-read, printed, and ready to go.
  • Look up the companies that you want to visit beforehand and familiarize yourself with the work that they do in order to look and feel prepared.
  • Have a good introductory elevator pitch ready. This must specify your background and show your interest in the company. Keep it short but informative.
  • Dress professionally. You may notice several of your peers visiting career fairs in casual clothing. However, dressing professionally helps you stand out and gives you a sense of importance which will affect your demeanor.
  • If you are not a US citizen or permanent resident, do not be discouraged if a lot of jobs are not available for you to apply to. Career fairs are still a great place to network and practice your soft-skills.

University Internships: A Good Alternative

Students who are leaning towards research can intern at laboratories in the university as Research Assistants. Especially during the summer, quite a few professors have openings in their groups and offer quality work opportunities. This is a great option for students who would like to pursue a higher degree after graduation and want some research experience.

“I got my university internship through emailing professors. Soon enough, I got a response from a professor saying that he was looking for a robotics guy. The lab didn’t do any robotics research, but they were trying to develop a robotic application. The lab manager interviewed me and found my profile relevant to their goal. They hired me.
In this process, the key factors which I think helped me acquire a job were the timing when I approached the professors (I started emailing them at the end of March), I was well versed in my projects, what I did, and how I did them. I was willing to work in any lab even if they didn’t work on traditional robotics.
I had key programming skills, knowledge in Computer Vision and Electronics, and relevant projects.
By working in a lab at the university, I got an exposure to how research works in a university. I developed a large network of highly skilled people. My programming skills improved tremendously. I became really handy with electronics, sensors, and practically applied Computer Vision. I also gained knowledge on scientific writing and drafting a research paper.”
Srujan Panuganti, Robotics Researcher at the University of Maryland, College Park

It is important to build a rapport with the professor, understand their requirements, and make your case accordingly.

There is no reason to feel desperate if you don’t hear back immediately or seem to get a lot of rejects. Its all part of the process. The key is to be relentless and spend your time working with the system.

This article was written in collaboration with Sanchit Gupta, a fellow robotics engineer. You can find his other articles here and read more about him here.
We will be back soon with more informative articles. Until then, keep reading and supporting. Cheers!

