Workplace weds Conflict

Sanchit Gupta
Life and Tech
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2018

Workplace and conflicts, can there be a better love story than this?

Questioned the paradoxical, did we?

It’s my work face, do you like it?

6 months into the coffee drinking, late sleeping, instruction taking and back bitching lifestyle, I am here to say — Office sucks!

I am sure 90% of you would agree on the above statement, the reasons for the same might differ and can range from difficult boss, weird colleagues, disrespecting coffee guy to maybe the “unchallenging” work. Most, if not all these reasons produce anger hormones (if this is anything) in us (me, for sure) and hence gives rise to, what we call as office fights.

Office fights can be defined as a violent activity which usually takes place between 9 am to 5 pm and involves punching your co-worker, smashing your bosses head into the computer or maybe cursing him continuously till he asks you to pack your stuff. Needless to say we all want to avoid being a part of these activities even though we have ample fun watching them.

Come on fight me, BITCH! 👊

After having witnessed these conflicts a few times, I came to observe something common in all these. Arguments happen when people have an unfavorable opinion about the work or their role in a team. They feel they need to raise their voices to be heard or maybe cut someone else’s to show their presence. This behavior can then lead to formation of dysfunctional teams and hamper productivity all around. I have been reading and trying some of the ways to minimize conflicts, some I know work and some I haven’t tested yet. I will share these ideas here, let’s see if you agree here with me.

First and foremost I have a suggestion for the people who feel unheard or feel that their ideas are never taken into consideration.

But, this idea will work, arghh!

Learn the 3C method —




I heard about this in a YouTube video and instantly took a liking to this concept. You need to connect with someone before trying to convey your ideas and convincing them for the same. Unless you understand and connect with your supervisor at a common goal line, your suggestions will always have something missing and will be shunned away. Once you connect the other 2 C’s will automatically follow and before you know you will be sitting with your boss making important decisions for the team.

The next idea is for the people who always have something to say even before someone else finishes up. You got to lay back a bit, take a deep breath and think if spending this much energy is worth it. People sometimes feel unheard and in-turn unimportant, if you don’t let them speak. This behaviour tends to be the stepping stone of a conflict and you play the role of a stepper. Learn to listen and then respond. Speaking ahead and cutting everyone will never help you in your growth in a longer run.

This is my chair for progress, get the hell out!

Now, It is time we address the elephant in the room and take the attention to the people who like back bitching, are jealous and egoistic just about everything. I have one thing to you guys, JUST STOP.

He’s such a loser, hehehe!

People have lives beyond work and this behavior creates tensions not only in professional but in personal life too. People have got to learn to mind their own business and not poke their noses in someone else’s. Maybe you just feel like a news channel; broadcasting information you feel is already out there but sometimes it isn’t and you make handling things just way too difficult. I know my rambling will make little sense to you but still, just pay attention and stop.

In the last I have a suggestion for all the bosses and supervisors out there. Treat everyone is your team with respect and listen them out with open minds. This doesn’t only instigate a sense of contribution in them but also motivates them to do more and align themselves to work for the company. Always remember a company’s most valuable assets are its employees and if they are content with their work life they will give you the numbers you run after at the end of each year.

We work best when we work together!

Yes, even if you follow all the above suggestion and work together as a team there will be teams when conflicts will happen but I am sure these suggestions will help minimize them to a great extent.

P.S — Some last moment tips for everyone. Refrain from discussing about the salary, religion and politics in office. These topics are landmines and you don’t want people stepping and erupting on these.

Let me know if this helps until then keep reading. Cheers!



Sanchit Gupta
Life and Tech

A Roboticist, An Entrepreneur and a tad bit Curious