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How to Reach Out to a Recruiter on Linkedin

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Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2022


Here at Bench, us Recruiters utilize LinkedIn to connect with job seekers and professionals — making genuine connections is our jam. LinkedIn can also be a great tool for job seekers to proactively build these relationships with Recruiters. When you find yourself at the point where you’ve done some research on Bench, have found that you align with our mission and core technologies, and want to connect with a Recruiter to introduce yourself, how to go about sending that invitation to connect is important. Here are a few tips:

How to Find Us

Recruiters regularly share specific roles on LinkedIn with their networks to attract talent. If you come across a position of interest that was shared by a Recruiter, it’s best to start there and send them an invitation to connect!

If you’re looking to make a more generalized reach out that’s not specific to a role, you can start by looking up Bench on LinkedIn and searching under the ‘People’ tab for keywords like Recruiter, Recruitment, and/or Technical Recruiter. Play around with these filters, as including additional filters may help to narrow down your search if you have a specific department or role in mind!

Once you’ve found a Recruiter to connect with, it’s time to send that invitation! We love to build our networks with people that are picking up what Bench is putting down and want to hear from you! There’s an option to ‘Add a note’ to your connection request — we recommend you use it!

If you have the free version of Linkedin in, you’re limited to 300 characters when sending out messages to people that are not yet part of your network, but that’s more than enough to make an impact! Things to incorporate in this message could include:

  • Your name — introduce yourself!
  • What role you’ve recently applied to at Bench, or how you heard about the company.
  • Where we may have met before (conference, career fair, etc.), or if we have a mutual connection.
  • Your goal — knowing what you want from a recruiter can help us help you!
  • You may also want to include things like: specific job title, area of interest, timelines — for example, are you actively or passively looking for new opportunities at this time?

Below are three different examples of what introductory messages could look like:

Example 1:

Hi (Recruiter’s Name),

My name is Xx. I had the opportunity to hear you speak at the Business Career Fair last week, which I found to be very informative and exciting. I’m currently looking for new opportunities, as I will be graduating next month from (School name, Program name), and Bench is a top employer of interest! If you know of any job openings in (field of interest), I would love the chance to discuss the value I can bring to Bench.

Example 2:

Hi (Recruiter’s Name),

I’m Xx and am looking to expand my network as I will be looking for new opportunities in the coming weeks. I heard about the amazing culture at Bench from a friend who works there and would appreciate connecting with you to discuss how my experience and background aligns with Bench.

Example 3:

Hi (Recruiter’s Name),

Nice to meet you! I’m Xx and I wanted to connect with you as I’ve recently applied for the (Job Title) role at Bench. If you have time, I would welcome any insight or advice to better prepare for next steps in the recruitment process.

Regardless of your messaging, you should always try to personalize your note — we cherish authenticity at Bench and giving us a snippet of who you are can go a long way.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Once the connection is made

  • Follow up: Once the Recruiter has accepted your request and has answered any outstanding questions you may have initially asked, a quick ‘Thank you’ or asking for additional clarification is always appreciated.
  • Stay in touch: Sending a quick note to keep us up-to-date on where you’re at in your job search can be very helpful. Whether you’re letting us know when you have applied for a role at Bench or are circling back just to check-in, we enjoy hearing from you!
  • Update your profile: Be sure to keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date, as well, so we can celebrate your accomplishments with you! We may even look to share your profile with another recruiter, and maintaining your profile is a great way to ensure we don’t miss out on seeing relevant skills you’ve developed over time.

All in all, we understand that connecting with a recruiter on LinkedIn can be intimidating, but if you consider these tips and reach out with a genuine, concise, and intentional message, there’s nothing to fear! We are here to impact your Bench journey in a positive way, don’t forget that!

Author: Britt Lake (she/her), Recruitment Specialist



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