Employee Spotlight: Marcos Hernandez, Fulfillment Center Supervisor with Bisk

Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2016

Hey Everyone, meet Marcos Hernandez, the Fulfillment Center Supervisor at Bisk. We asked him a few questions about himself and his experience as a Bisk Employee.

Question #1: What’s your favorite aspect of working at Bisk?

My favorite aspect of working at Bisk is being able to make a difference on a daily basis. Having the opportunity to push myself to determine my full potential.

Question #2: What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in the last year?

One important lesson that I’ve learned this past year is, despite how well you think you are with your listening and communication skills, there is always room for improvement.

Question #3: What’s your professional passion?

My professional passion is to continue to cultivate my work ethic, and positively influence anyone I come in contact with throughout the work day.

Question #4 (just for fun): If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go? Why?

I would visit China to explore first hand some of their famous landmarks. For instance, my first stop would be to see and walk on the Great Wall of China, if it is still permissible.

Then I would travel to one of the world’s most famous mountain ranges, the Himalayas. I would like to get as close as possible without having to climb the mountain, and then embrace the point of view where I am. I’m sure that the point of view would be a priceless picture or a selfie.

Thanks for sharing Marcos. =)

