Exploring new career paths at Nuri

Life At Nuri


Ever dreamed of switching your career?

Thought about dropping everything and pursuing your dream?

Whether you’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur, a managing director or lead a department in a big organization, we are getting our team members closer to their ambition by enabling internal mobility at Nuri.

Making sure every team member has the processes, tools, and support in place to grow and develop their career is one of the many People & Culture goals we have as a team.

Career paths are very individual, for example, a DevOps Engineer might not be interested in leading a team or switching to working in Finance.

If they would rather remain an individual contributor, the next step in their career could be to become an expert in their field or own a bigger or cross-functional project in DevOps.

Kicking off Career Day

We are launching our first company-wide event dedicated to internal mobility, the “Nuri Career Day”.

It consists of a company-wide department rotation, where employees are enabled to discover the many different departments at Nuri and understand daily work, processes and challenges.

While working alongside colleagues from different departments on real projects, 61% of our employees will rotate through different areas of the company, getting inspired and gaining knowledge working with our Heads of Departments and Team Leads.

Many activities will be rolled out through the day such as presentations, workshops, and team competitions.

The Nuri Career Day is just one of the first activities to foster internal mobility and let team members experiment with new roles with their current skills.

We came up with the idea to organize the Nuri Career Day after taking inspiration from “Lean In”, a book written by Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO.

In her book, she mentions that careers today look more like jungle gyms, as career ladders can often be restrictive in terms of career growth as individuals can only move upwards or downwards. She considers successful career paths to be more like jungle gyms rather than a ladder.

“There’s only one way to get to the top of the ladder, but there are many ways to get to the top of a jungle gym.” Sheryl quotes.

We agree with her statement and want to articulate a modern concept for career development in line with our innovative product and agile methodologies.

The Nuri Career Day is the first step for those who’d like to test a new skill to determine where they are the best fit for each job.



Life At Nuri

Stories from the people behind the bank account that grows your money.