Work hard, play hard: why Nuri believes company trips make happier colleagues

Life At Nuri
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2019


At Las Salines beach

In September we went on a four-day retreat in Prague, 52 Bitwalians came together for some fun and relaxation beyond the workplace.

Working with people who like each other makes work more enjoyable. It’s a simple equation with big results. Here at Bitwala, company trips are the most anticipated event of the year.

We’ve been to Bucharest, Ibiza and Prague and believe these trips help the team become the strong and united group it is today.

We try to organise these trips every year and our goal is to keep the team as harmonised and united as possible throughout our rapid growth.

Here are a few reasons why we love company trips:

Exploring new places together

Shawn from Product and view on sea from Ibiza castle

Our company trips are a way to create opportunities for people to connect and interact in meaningful ways, outside of regular working hours.

Company trips are a great opportunity to explore new countries and revitalise our perspectives.

We encourage people to stay off their laptops and enjoy their time together. Any work that’s not extremely urgent can be done after the trip.

Quality time

For us, the most successful team building activities are those that do not happen inside the office.

We want the team to get to know each other in different types of environments and empathise, connect and create long-lasting memories.

We’ve shared many different experiences together, here are a few fun times that come to mind:

Ibiza walking tour on Las Salinas beach.

Surrounded by a nature reserve including sand dunes, beautiful pine forests and salt flats, Las Salinas walking tour was a great way to learn more about Ibiza’s flora and fauna.

Nothing brings people together like sharing good food! We prepared our meals and drinks and then also cleaned up together.

Brunch in Ibiza

The company quiz.

It’s our company trip tradition! During the quiz, employees need to answer questions on company facts, Blockchain, startups and general knowledge!

Team during Bitwala quiz at Paralelni Polis Prague

Go-karting in Prague.

Our fastest team? The Trading chapter! We really had an amazing time racing against each other!

Trading team at go-karting race track


The main goal of our company trips is to make employees happy. Company trips are also a nice way to onboard new hires to the team! What is better than a 4-day full immersion to get to know your future colleagues?

During company trips we celebrate each other for our accomplishments during the year. If everyone is having a great time and creating new connections, that makes the trip really special. We’ve gathered a team of skilled and highly qualified people and we believe we should celebrate them.

Every single individual on the Bitwala team is an extremely valuable and irreplaceable asset to our company.

Bitwala team in Prague

Ready to join a sensational team? Check out our openings here!



Life At Nuri

Stories from the people behind the bank account that grows your money.