Building the First Data Warehouse at GudangAda

Inside GudangAda
Inside GudangAda
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2021

GudangAda continues to welcome great talents, in order to polish its digital ecosystem and empower B2B players across Indonesia. One of the many new additions this year is Collyn Power, who brings his expertise and passion to the company as a data engineer.

Collyn is set to prepare the data infrastructure at GudangAda and build it from scratch. He’s aware that the need to process large quantities of data is no easy task, but by doing so, GudangAda is able to serve its consumers better and grow its business effectively.

“My vision for gudangada is to have a self-service platform, so the data and product teams can easily interact and integrate the new data sources”

Growth and Impact

GudangAda always encourages everyone to have a growth mindset. In the past five months, the process of building the data warehouse has become a new ‘growth’ playground for Collyn.

“This might not be the first time for me to build a data warehouse, so I expected some common mistakes. But that does not dim the spirit to always offer our best effort to GudangAda. I can say I am excited to add more features and think of how to take it beyond,” said Collyn.

In his work, Collyn ensures that the Data Warehouse provides optimized benefits‒providing an improved data analytic so GudangAda can compete more strategically by efficiently feeding standardized, contextual data to GudangAda’s business intelligence.

The main challenge for this is to come up with a standard that works with all kinds of data, when the data is coming from multiple sources and formats. The team needs to come up with a standard that will work with everything and reduce the amount of manual work for the users.

With this challenge, GudangAda becomes a place of growth for Collyn. One of the main reasons he chose GudangAda is because of the huge growth opportunity for his technical skills. He believes that the more he faces challenges, the more he will expand his capability as an engineer.

Collyn the Astronaut

“Fun Fact: I have two older brothers and one older sister, and all of us are named after the American astronauts; hence, my name (unusual for Indonesian). Well, at least that is what my mom said.”

PS: we did google his name for an astronaut, nothing significant came up. Only his parents and the universe knows ;).

Do you share Collyn’s passion for exploring new opportunities and initiatives? Come join GudangAda, explore your career opportunities here.



Inside GudangAda
Inside GudangAda

GudangAda helps FMCG industry players to manage payment transactions, sourcing and distribution using technology