“I believed I could, so I did” — A Story of Inifinite Self-Belief

Sayujya Nanavati
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2022

“Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.” — Virat Kohli

This quote perfectly depicts the embodiment of hard work and success by our star team member, Ravi Kewat. Ravi’s professional journey is one that showcases the continuous road to success.

Ravi joined our team back in October 2018 as a Customer Support Specialist. As he completed his onboarding process, he had no idea the next 5 years of his career would transform tremendously in a positive way.

As Ravi settled in, he soon realized at Saleshandy efforts don’t go unnoticed; and this acted as a rung in his ladder to maximize his potential. He soon found himself voluntarily expanding his skill set by using the opportunities given to him by Saleshandy. He recounts “At Saleshandy, you are always asked to upgrade your skills, and you are always encouraged to contribute to cross-functional teams.”

An environment where efforts are valued and recognized is conducive to self-development. In January 2020 Ravi encountered a milestone moment, he was promoted to Customer Support Manager, and this allowed him to evolve as a leader. This opportunity provided him with the ability to develop his analytical and managerial skills.

Equipped with knowledge about product management and backed by a keen interest, the management soon realized Ravi had a flair for product management. They saw the potential he had, and how this path could mold Ravi into actualizing his maximum capabilities. Ravi was promoted to a product managerial role in 2022. The transition although a tough one for Ravi, he recounts “my transition went smoothly due to the tremendous support I received from the management and team members.”

Ravi wants to continue improving and enhancing his skill set, from soft skills to technical skills; he harnesses his ‘Ikigai’ and continues to practice it every day with Saleshandy. Ravi is an inspiration for all, and we can learn a lot from him. He advises the younger generation to make the right decisions as they define our career trajectory, “Exploring all the domains is essential. You might end up finding the one job or role you’ll love.”

An openness to learn and grow is pivotal in the shaping of a successful individual. An inner drive that propels you to do better every day, a sense of self-motivation that pushes you to reach for the stars with the right resources and opportunities in place is exactly what Ravi’s story tells us.

As an organization, we provided Ravi with the opportunities he needed to actualize his potential. “I feel that I owe Saleshandy a lot for my growth and development and I want to repay it by ensuring that we constantly achieve the organizational goals that we set for ourselves.”, Ravi says.

The road to self-development is one that never ends. When you have the right support and resources with you, success is at the forefront of your journey.

