An Ode to Opulence

Juhi Gupte
Butterfly Effect | MetaMorphoSys
1 min readSep 29, 2023

We craft you in idols

chisel a pursed smile

place at noisy pandals

and label as agile

listing sufferings;

luring offerings

No No!! I won’t,

praise you, bind you

chase you, find you

with a crowing throat

essaying as a knight

in the folk tales

of truth and might

I feel you are my pal,

not a deity royale

sculpted out of story

accentuated to glory

throned like a prince

drowned by the kins?

Well soiled were many…

peter-pans & screen-queens canny

weren’t happy by all means ?

Oh!that big shot of coffee beans;

this perfect bride; those school toppers?

haven’t had peace-penny in the lockers ?


their voices unheard

their souls ruptured

amidst thousand decibles

cheap thrills & pirated vocals

like yours…

ceased umpteen times

Hey !let’s sit and talk

of fears & flaws; not hymns

let failures set free

not roped to a tree,

no jumping off the edge

not till horses rein

the death’s sledge


Adios Amigos !!

©Juhi Gupte

