Bhutan Post commemorates the renown Paro Taktsang Monastery in a new NFT stamp issue

Lifecare news
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2023

Bhutan Post launches its third NFT stamps issue on dedicated to the iconic monastery Paro Taktsang with unique opportunities to collectors

THIMPHU, TALLIN, February 14th, 2023 Following the long-time country’s philatelic tradition, this year, to commemorate the 43rd Birth Anniversary of His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, Bhutan Post, the national postal operator of the Kingdom of Bhutan, will release on the NFT version of the stamp issued in 2015 and dedicated to one of the most famous sites of the Kingdom of Bhutan — the Paro Taktshang monastery, also widely known as the Tiger’s Nest. This will be the first NFT stamp in the series of many to feature the beauty, story and the spirit of the monasteries of Bhutan.

The story of Paro Taktshang goes back to the eighth century to the times of Guru Padmasambhava, known to Bhutanese people as Guru Rinpoche. The sacred nyes (sites) blessed by the Guru all over the kingdom, are revered pilgrimage destinations for Buddhists from all over the world. Guru Rinpoche is believed to have flown to Paro Taktshang on the back of a tigress and, in his manifestation of the wrathful Dorij Droley, tamed the negative spirits that haunted the valleys of Bhutan. Today the Guru is omnipresent in the kingdom through his images and spirit.

“There is always a story to tell behind the image of every postage stamp. And the story of Bhutan’s spiritual path is our great treasure and an obligation to our ancestors and heirs to carry it into the future,” said Karma Nidup, the CEO of Bhutan Post. “With the launch of our 3nd NFT stamp issue we are starting a series of releases to share the unique history of ages-old monasteries of Bhutan and, thus, invite all NFT collectors to feel the spirit of our country and broaden their cultural knowledge. Bhutan Post’s digital transformation of our philatelic heritage is an important building block in a wider long-term national strategy to create the digital Bhutan with a variety of Metaverse experiences for virtual visitors.”

“Philately is a great hobby! We learn, we experience, we feel, we travel through stamps! And blockchain and NFT technology can greatly enhance this experience. Via a collective effort of postal industry stakeholders, it can bring back the interest and acceptance of a wider public, and especially younger minds” said Andrii Shapovalov, CEO of Stampsdaq Estonia. “Bhutan is an amazing place and a must-experience destination for every traveler. Together with Bhutan Post, our job here is to create opportunities for stamp collectors to have such experience complete — via stamp digital art, entertainment, socializing and rewarding travel benefits.”

As every NFT stamp of Bhutan Post, these stamps are also eligible to the Travel Program which allows collectors to get a chance to visit Bhutan. However, the owner of these two NFT collectibles, who will win a travel experience to Bhutan, will have an exclusive element in his travel itinerary to be announced later on the release date of the new NFT stamps.

Media Contacts:

For Stampsdaq Estonia OU:

Andrii Shapovalov
Chief Executive Officer

For Bhutan Post:

Jigme Choden
Head of Philately Division

About Bhutan Post

Bhutan Postal Corporation Limited (Bhutan Post) established in 1996 is the national designated operator of the Kingdom of Bhutan providing postal services — domestic and international mail and parcel logistics for close to 800000 of its citizens. Bhutan’s postage stamps had been widely recognized by stamp collectors around the world for its unusual design and materials, promoting the country’s nature, architecture, culture, heritage and social life amongst others.

About Stampsdaq

Stampsdaq is an EU-based NFT company founded in 2021 and exclusively dedicated to cooperating with designated postal operators worldwide. Its recently launched platform for NFT Stamps is designed to bridge the interests of postal operators and the global community of collectors. Stampsdaq provides a One-Stop-Shop solution with no investment required from a postal operator side. The company promotes and implements “Collect with Benefits” vision of creating an extra utility value and real-world experiences for NFT Stamps owners to drive the interest to NFT Stamps collecting and to stamp collecting in general. Stampsdaq currently holds several license agreements with different designated postal operators and is in active negotiations with over 60 postal operators worldwide. It is also an associate member of the Consultative Committee and World Association for Development of Philately (WADP) of the Universal Postal Union.



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