Invited as “Keynote Speakers” at DLD

Lifecare news
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2023

Singapore, Jan. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GURUFIN Mainnet has been invited to the 23rd Digital-Life-Design (DLD) Conference held at the House of Communications in Munich, Germany from January 12 to 14, 2023. Gaining attention as a global, next-generation Layer-1 infrastructure project, Co-Founder and CEO Dr. Jae Jeong and President Marcus Ko have been invited as keynote speakers during the Metaverse Conference Session.

GURUFIN’s Digital-Goods and NFT Store Platform, DIGIGOOZ, will be showcased along with its interactive metaverse platform, DIMPLE. Partner companies will be introduced as GURUFIN’s dApp partners, highlighting real-world applications of GURUFIN’s innovative technologies. The simple NFT purchasing process via credit card, carrier billing, or stable coins with an easy One-Click method on the GURUFIN Network will be demonstrated during the speech.

By combining the real economy payment processing system with GURUFIN’s Web 3.0 technology, Dr. Jeong and his team have developed GURUFIN’s convenient and seamless fintech payment system that can be used in both the Web 2.0 and 3.0 environments. In addition, any partner companies (dApps) participating in the GURUFIN Network can use the networks’ platforms, DIGIGOOZ and DIMPLE, free-of-charge, from issuance to sales of digital goods and NFTs, transactions, and settlements. GURUFIN and its affiliated companies also plan to explore participation and cooperation opportunities with leading global companies such as Adidas and BMW and hold investment briefings with major investment companies.

This year’s DLD Conference is held under the theme of “Beyond NOW,” with participants ranging from executives of worldwide companies and influencers from various industries. A total of approximately 1,500 people, including journalists, are to attend by invitation.

Past Notable Keynote Speakers: Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook/Meta), Lady Gaga (Musician & Artist), Reed Hastings (Netflix), Ursula von der Leyen (European Commission), Demis Hassabis (Deepmind), Maria Ressa (Nobel Laureate), Peter Thiel (Investor), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Anne Wojcicki (23andMe), Ugur Sahin (BionTech)

About DLD: DLD started as a small discussion group launched in 2005 by a small number of insiders working in the field of business and policy to discuss future business innovation and creativity. It has turned into an influential and transformative annual event. DLD Media organizes international networking events in major cities such as Palo Alto, New York, London, Tel Aviv, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, and Beijing.

ABOUT Gurufin Foundation

The GURUFIN Foundation is spearheading the GURUFIN Project, which focuses on building the next global financial infrastructure. GURUFIN Layer-1 Mainnet has been developed for the past 4 years with a completed testnet in 2021. GURUFIN has incorporated Cyrex Inc.’s payment service system that has been operational in the real economy for the past 8 years. GURUFIN also plans to integrate Cyrexa, an affiliated digital bank in Europe, for easier and more convenient financial payment services for its users.

Digigooz, Inc.

Digigooz provides an NFT Marketplace that is both a B2C and C2C platform. NFT creators can mint and sell, and users can buy and trade NFTs. Users can purchase NFTs with credit card, mobile carrier billing, or stable coins. NFT creators can be paid in fiat currency or stable coins per sale.

Issuing and trading NFTs is made more accessible with low minting costs and close-to-zero gas fees. NFTs can be in various file formats (e.g., jpg, 3D, video). Companies can open and independently operate their NFT stores free-of-charge. Customers can sign up with an existing Google account or WalletConnet for a simple and effortless user experience.


DIMPLE (Digigooz Interactive Metaverse Platform Environment) is an interactive metaverse platform that partners with high-quality metaverse dApps in the Web 3.0 environment. Digital goods in the DIMPLE are sold through the DIGIGOOZ NFT Market Platform. Purchase NFTs via credit card, carrier billing or stable coins.

DIMPLE also provides a multi/cross-metaverse environment. Going beyond 2D NFT digital assets, DIMPLE facilitates usable 3D NFTs.



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