Quadient SA — Partial purchase by Quadient its

Lifecare news
Published in
1 min readOct 23, 2023

2.25% NOTES DUE 2025 — ISIN CODE FR0013478849

Paris, 23rd October 2023,

On the 19th of October 2023, Quadient has proceeded to a partial purchase under the notes issued by Quadient on the 23rd of January 2020 for an amount of €325,000,000.00 at a rate of 2.25% due 3rd February 2025 (ISIN code FR0013478849) (the “Notes”). The nominal amount purchased by Quadient is € 34,200,000.00.

The outstanding nominal amount of the Notes after this partial purchase is € 290,800,000.00.

About Quadient®

Quadient is the driving force behind the world’s most meaningful customer experiences. By focusing on three key solution areas, Intelligent Communication Automation, Parcel Locker Solutions and Mail-Related Solutions, Quadient helps simplify the connection between people and what matters. Quadient supports hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide in their quest to create relevant, personalized connections and achieve customer experience excellence. Quadient is listed in compartment B of Euronext Paris (QDT) and is part of the CAC® Mid & Small and EnterNext® Tech 40 indices. Quadient shares are eligible for PEA-PME investing.

For more information about Quadient, visit https://invest.quadient.com/


Quadient — Partial purchase — vGB




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