If you want to grow up, do not travel all time

Tiempo Personal
3 min readNov 10, 2016


The mayority of people manage their vacation trips which more care than their lives. Maybe it is due escape is easier than change.

Makes trips around the world is great, you take off prejudices, you learn to be more grateful and your mind opens wider than ever. Every single experience traveling is different, but..What happends when you travels all the time?

The only way to really grow up is to face your fears, not to travel. I have many friends that are waiting the vacation time due they are tired of their rutine and problems. If you want to know in which side are you, reply this simple question:

Am I enjoying my day or I am thinking in my near future trip vacation?

In my opinion teenage people -no matter ages, teenage is an immaturity thing- often tells that traveling is the best, and they are plenty of life but after coming back they did not show on Instagram their deep depresion they have. I personally hates when people tells that travel is the best and they will be doing this all life but truth is that succesful people do not travel all time, they are facing their daily conflicts and resolving them. Teenage world (from 13–99) are very immature and hypocrites, when they trying to solve their problems leaving all time.

I read and article about an Argentinian girl who has been traveling almost a decade and she has a great blog and he not only tell about her great adventures, she also write about her issues around the trip, when she got malaria for instance. But she always do the same, travels somewhere for half o maybe a year, and them, she comes back home. That is not been bold, just the opposite.

Money, the great ally for teenagers travelers

If you look around, you will see that this group of all-time-travelers, travels with their parents or family money (sometimes the gets their own money doing some ilegal business too). Normal people who has a consolidated life purpose, do not travels around all time to see is they find the “spiritual awakening”. It is just the opposite, the breakdown (spiritual awakening) happends when you quit escaping and avoiding your fears issues.

When you see a succesful celebrity traveling all time is because they are traveling for some business or profesional reason, and they also take advantage to have some fun.

I have been escaping many times and when I got my depression I was tooking care of my real fears, my deeps emotions. I was not mature enough to realized before, but I was not promoting “travels makes you happy” neither.

There is no more satisfaction when you takes cares of your life, getting your honest salary doing some jobs that will helps peoples lives of to improve the world, when you drain your brain hours and hours studying and reading amazing books and activates your neurons connections.

If you feel jealousy when you see the Instagram shit of happy-life-traveling-and-beaches you are the same immature as them. You only have one life, real trips can be done with amazing co-workers you gain from your effort studying to get in that environment, and the feeling is divine.

