Building Second Brain — ToC

Hiraq Citra M
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2023


This article introduces a Table of Content ( ToC ) from a book called Building Second Brain . Author:


This is my favorite book for now. It’s really helped me to manage my “brain workload”. As its tagline:

A proven method to organize your digital life and unlock your creative potential

About The Book

I’ve described the ToC and reviewing the book in one of my articles:

I’ve just said in that article:

It can reduce my brain works because my brain doesn’t need to store any information again, I just move the storing process from my brain to my “second brain” (or “persistent brain”)

The concept of second brain actually taken from this book, for the short introductions, aSecond Brain the system will give us:

  • Find anything that you’ve learned, touched, or thought about in the past within seconds
  • Organize your knowledge and use it to move your projects and goals forward more consistently
  • Save your best thinking so you don’t have to do it again

The TOC (Table Of Content)

Introduction: The Promise Of Second Brain

Part 1: The Foundation — Understanding What’s Possible
- Chapter 1: Where It All Started
- Chapter 2: What Is Second Brain
- Chapter 3: How Second Brain Works

Part 2: The Method The Four Steps of CODE
- Chapter 4: Capture What Resonates
- Chapter 5: Organize — Save For Actionability
- Chapter 6: Distill — Find The Essence
- Chapter 7: Express-Show Your Work

Part 3: The Shift: Making Things Happen
- Chapter 8: The Art of Creative Execution
- Chapter 9: The Essential Habbits of Digital Organizers
- Chapter 10: The Path Of Self Expression



This is a page organization inside Building Second Brain , I hope you’ve found some interesting things in this ToC


This article will be updated frequently each time I’m adding a summary from some chapters

Please note, that I’ll not tell you a whole book, you have to buy the book itself (I’ve just share a link to Amazon to buy the book)

What I’ll share with you is just a summary’s notes extracted from some chapters

