Pragmatic Thinking Learning: A Journey From Novice To Expert — Consider The Context, Again

Hiraq Citra M
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2023



Table Of Contents

About Series
The Summary
The Mind Map

About Series

This story is the sixth part of the series of Chapter 2: Journey From Novice To Expert.

The Summary

One of the most important lessons from the Dreyfus model is the realization that although the novice needs context-free rules, the expert uses context-dependent intuition.

Context matters

The high-priced consultant’s favorite answer is “It depends”. Their analysis depends on a great many things. There is an inherent danger in decontextualized objectivity, that is, in trying to be objective about something after taking it out of its context.

In system thinking, as in object-oriented-programming, it’s often the relationships between things that are interesting, not the things themselves. These relationships help form the context that makes all the difference.

The Mind Map


There are two interesting statements.

For novice:

the novice needs context-free rules

For expert:

the expert uses context-dependent intuition.

