lifeID Insider: First lifeID Foundation Code Release!

Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2018

Today we’re beginning our weekly roll-out rhythm for our open source code releases. The first release is the lifeID Foundation’s Open Source DID Repository. Head over to Gitlab to check out the new lifeID DID repository.

What are DIDs? DIDs are decentralized identifiers that make the concept of Self-Sovereign Identity work in a decentralized architecture. DIDs are an important innovation. They give us the ability to establish unique digital identifiers that are persistent, secure, and globally resolvable, yet they don’t rely on centralized organizations or middlemen to create and maintain them. That is done automagically using lifeID’s new user onboarding process for each service or relationship.

Open Source lifeID DID repository

This lifeid-did library gives users all the tools they need to create, encode and decode lifeID decentralized identifiers (“DIDs”). On the lifeID platform, a DID is an identifier shared between two or more parties that establishes a cryptographic relationship and communication channel through which you can digitally interact with someone else.

A user will create a different and unique DID relationship for each digital identity relationship they establish, whether that’s for a website, corporation or person. For more information on DIDs generally, see the W3C DID specification. For more information on the lifeID DID specification check out our own implementation details (in draft form) here:

lifeID DIDs are the cornerstone of the lifeID Identity Protocol ecosystem. lifeID DIDs allow us all to disclose exactly what information you choose, no more and no less. They also allow us to maintain the security of knowing that we can recover our identifiers if we lose our phone, computer or backup storage.

We will release more info on how to integrate DIDs into your own software stack as we continue to open-source our platform in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, please post them in our Gitlab Repo! 🙏

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