Real World Use Cases of lifeID

Published in
4 min readDec 1, 2017


lifeID is built to make our lives easier, which means it must enhance many of the tasks we do on a day-to-day basis. We have designed lifeID to improve how we interact with both the digital and physical world.

Take a look a few use cases below!

A Day In The Life of a lifeID Traveler

A user signs into their Skybnb account using lifeID, removing both usernames and passwords, and books a room in London. The forward-thinking Skybnb host keeps the apartment secure with a lifeID-capable smart lock. The traveler arrives at the apartment and uses the lifeID app on their phone to easily and securely unlock the smart lock. Because of the advanced security of lifeID, the apartment owner can be confident the same person that reserved the room on Skybnb is the person entering the apartment. The user benefits from the easy-to-use experience with lifeID’s app, removing the need to remember usernames, passwords or door codes, all while knowing their information is kept private.

Greater Seattle Soccer League

The Greater Seattle Soccer League is a not-for-profit adult soccer organization in the city of Seattle. They organize players, teams, fields and referees for weekly recreational soccer. GSSL relies on physical player cards for proof of membership with their organization and confirmation of a player’s eligibility to play. They have currently been seeking smart phone based ID solution in order to align with their players wants, and use it as a marketing point of differentiation to attract new players to the league. Moreover, the current 3500 members in their organization cost the league a significant amount in issuing physical ID cards.

With GSSL, they currently require players to fill out lengthy applications online, send in verification of identity (via driver’s license or other government issued identity) have an employee physically confirm the details, input all the user information into a database and finally issue a physical card once payment has been received. This process is not only time consuming, but inefficient and expensive. lifeID makes this process radically better.

Players will begin their experience with the friendly and easy to use lifeID app. A player will simply scan the appropriate QR code found on the GSSL website, and begin to confirm the appropriate information GSSL requires. The system will then confirm these details, and issue a digital player card when payment has been received. When a player arrives at the field, they will just pull out their phone, open the lifeID app with biometric verification and confirm their ID with the referee. The digital player card is not just a static image, but a live and updated ID, ensuring that the player is always eligible to play. Referees will have the ability to confirm a player’s ID simply and easily on the field, ensuring that it is up to date and not revoked, saving a great deal of time.

Unique to GSSL, player suspensions (red cards) are an important attribute that must be updatable. With lifeID, GSSL can mark players with red card suspensions. This mitigates the risk for suspended players to play when they are ineligible, and player status automatically updates once the suspension time has ceased. lifeID will allow players to interact with their soccer world in a way they want, by limiting the items they need to bring to the field, while helping GSSL reduce operational burdens and expensive card printing.

Co-Work Space Building Access Use Case

Co-working spaces have grown in popularity in recent years, attracting start-ups and enterprise businesses alike. Their collaborative environment has been well received as an alternative to a traditional commercial lease. Subsequently, this communal model has created unique building access security concerns. Additionally, co-working spaces require both online authentication for their member community and physical building access solutions, making lifeID the right choice for their environment.

In order for members to currently access a co-working space, they begin by inputting their personal information online which will be tied to the physical ID card. For that verification process to occur, members scan their ID and take a picture of their face to confirm the two are in fact the same. This allows the co-working space to be sure a member using the physical access card is in fact who they say they are. Additionally, their online profile can be used to reserve rooms in the building and communicate with other members. This process creates a lot of work for users, resources for the backend verification process, and still requires members to carry a physical access card.

lifeID removes these complications by allowing members to sign up without revealing any personal data through the use of verified claims. Members can simultaneously use the lifeID app on their phone with biometric verification to access a building through standard wireless protocols. This allows co-working spaces to create a frictionless onboarding experience for their customer, while simultaneously removing the pesky need to carry around a second unneeded access card. Members can now access their entire work world through the convenience of lifeID.

These use cases are just the tip of the iceberg for lifeID, and we will release more information on other use cases in the coming weeks!


Twitter: @lifeID_io

