Helpful Letter #30

Tom Handy
Life is Like a Game
Sent as a


2 min readSep 17, 2021

Hello fellow writers,

It’s not Sunday yet, but I decided to share my thoughts with you a few days early. It’s been a busy week for me.

I have been absent from writing on Medium this week. I’ve only written three articles considering today is the sixth day of the week.

Honestly, I have placed more emphasis on NewsBreak and freelance writing gigs that have popped up. Some people complain about NewsBreak for the loss of base pay but like the title of my publication, Life is Like a Game. Writing is the same way.

Then I have written two freelance articles over the past week. They both took a lot of my time. I had to do a little more research than I was used to. I felt like I was back in school again trying to reference information. One article was actually about Sweden which I have little knowledge of.

Then I had a few other freelance opportunities that popped up. Some may work out and others don’t. It’s always hard to tell. When the other person doesn’t respond, that usually means it’s probably not going to happen.

Since I started freelancing, my rates have gone up. When a new company offers more than what I charged before, I see that as a sign that I’m worth more than what I was charging. There really isn’t a guide so you have to go with what works for your first offer. Then gradually increase your rates.

Some companies will offer you $10 an article. For a starting rate, that’s fine. After a while, you become worth much more than $10. Time is money. After some time, you become a better writer. So your pay has to go up, otherwise, you’re selling yourself short. If the company isn’t willing to negotiate, it’s time to say goodbye.

There are plenty of companies who can use your services.

Well, I’m going to spend the weekend catching up on comments on Medium and write a NewsBreak article or two.

Enjoy your weekend or your week (depending on when you read this)!




Tom Handy
Life is Like a Game

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine. Get my free email course