A Breath of Fresh Air — Timely as Always

A poem

Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe


I roamed through life,
Looking for meaning
Cast under my strife,
Finding solace within

Was the nudge
That I desperately needed
To get me to budge
Towards what I was once petrified


This newfound courage
Soared me to unfathomable heights,
It dissipated all festering rage,
Enthused to dim my light

For I understood — at that moment
That I could not change
What I tolerated, only a feint
Seed of genuine change

Would lead me to a celestial range
Of the ever-present grace
Bringing forth pastures
Of my inner desires.

Thank you all for reading, and thanks to Sahil Patel for the dignified Lifeline platform that inspires artistic writers to soar in the depths of our majestic being.



Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe

Faith & Life Ambassador, Quadrilingual, Visionary, Writer, Adventurer