A haiku about being an introvert

Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2023

Why do I always feel so alone?

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

In a crowd of people, I still feel so small.

Introvert pain, it’s real y’all.

Silent observer, watching life go by

Never fitting in, no matter how hard I try.

Why don’t they understand?😔

Talking drains my energy, but solitude brings peace.

A constant battle, never finding release.

Being alone is my safe haven, my solace.

But society sees it as weakness, with no grace.

Is it so wrong to just be me? 😢

Introvert souffrance, a never-ending tale.

Society’s norms, a constant jail.

Why do I always feel so out of place?😔

In a world that values extroversion,

Introverts like us often face a tough relation.

We prefer quiet, calm and solitude,

But society sees it as being rude.

Am I not enough? 😢

We don’t need constant stimulation,

But people say we lack ambition.

We listen more than we talk,

But get labeled as shy and awk.

Why can’t they just let me be? 😭

Introvert souffrance, a constant refrain.

We try to fit in, but it’s just not the same.

But we’ve got our own magic, our own light,

So let’s embrace it with all our might.

Introverts, stand tall! 💪

We may not be the life of the party,

But we’ve got a quiet strength that’s so hearty.

So let’s celebrate our introversion,

And embrace our unique expression!

