A Letter To The Sky

For one who resides in Us

Monoreena Acharjee Majumdar


Poem:Letter to the sky photo: sky by Monoreena
Photo by Monoreena

To all of the grandmothers who make the world more gentle, more tolerant and more safe for children. Never doubt your importance — Mary-Lou Rosengren

Dear Thammu*,

I know you hear me
I know you see me write,

I need to apologise for that day,
Nobody told me you were leaving,
Maybe, they never wanted to upset me,
After all it was my Finals, distraction was
Avoided….wait, now I just think may be it was
You did not want me to see you on a stretcher
moving out…your obedient son and daughter-in-law
I was very angry that day to come out and not see you —
They told me you were hospitalised….the only time I did not accompany you
was your last journey away from us….

But I am not angry any more,
To let you know, I passed with flying colours, the way you wished,
People dropped in to say how I fared, even amidst a mishap,
But they don’t know, when you left, you took a part of us….

You never told us how to be, we saw you and we learnt,
Now that we are grown ups, I relate to your patience, resilience
Your ways of dealing with rainy days with a smile,
Your ways of sharing love and kindness with everyone who touched
Your life……we are still learning to be like you.

Incase you are wondering, you are everywhere, from the way we talk,
think, greet ,eat or move in life,
Even when we moved out, we carried you in us…..

Your favourite son is grey now, the way he ought to be,
C’mon, don’t frown!
Your daughter-in-law, carrying your legacy the way you
would love, the way you taught…..
( I know you will smile on this)

But I still wish I met you that day, to bid you farewell,
Or maybe —
It was right, since we never saw you leaving,
You Never went….

I am not looking for stars to find you tonight,
But burn this letter to fumes, which I know will rise
To travel to you,
To find you,
To reach you my words…..

Your always the loved one,
(You know, right!)

*Dedicated to the person who shaped our lives, my grandmother!

February 1st week Prompt:
Is there someone you wish you could tell one more time,how much you love them?Write them a letter telling them. You may wish to burn it afterwards as a way to send out those thoughts.

Thank you Sahil Patel and Lifeline for this wonderful prompt, which opened a pandora’s box.

For further on the prompt find the article below:

Thank you for taking note.

