Are You This Way, Why Not That

David Fertitta
Published in
1 min readJul 8, 2022

Why Am I This Way, Why Not That?

Image by Author

My Poem in response to Lifeline’s Poetry Prompt for the first week of July 2022. My take on Insecurity


Here I sit confused and tormented
Can’t focus can’t organize
Can’t Feel Can’t Win.
Why Am I This Way, Why Not That?
Why can’t I ever
Just be on My Way
On My Game Dreaming
Come Sweet Victory
Not gripping gloom.
So, I Want to Be a Writer
I Want to Help the World
I know I can do this
I know I can fail.
I know I’ll never know
If I don’t write on soon
Revealing My Words My Thoughts
My Messages Over the Moon.
Listening for the Next Tune
Another Tangent
Another Plot
Another Boom
Why Am I This Way
Why Not That…
What, Yeah, I Know
We’re both.
So, looks like
Back to work we go.



David Fertitta

Seeker of all Life Is Was & Will Be. Curious Intuitive, looking to understand all perspectives. Imagines with wonder how & when Kindness rules.