As I Go Inside My Being

this is my humble prayer…

Dr. Kim Alan Dawson
Apr 18, 2023


Photo by Christopher Cassidy on Unsplash

Oh Transcendent One,

When there is pain, show me comfort
When there is fear, show me calm
When there is sadness, show me loving kindness
And when there is death, show me new life
So I might continue to serve those who suffer
With compassion far surpassing imagination

Dear Medicine,

With the immeasurable power of your mycelial network
Whatever suffering you may show or ask of me
I am willing and open to merge with you
I surrender the last breath of my soul to you
I trust you to help me face your sublime wonder
I trust your healing intelligence to allow me to be with you
For only one moment
For this is all I ask



Dr. Kim Alan Dawson

I am a therapist, hiker, and writer, curiously exploring minds, universes, nature, life, death, dreams, love, and the power of creative imagination.