Cloud Cities — Chapter 4

Free verse | Log entry — robbed of travel

Venkataraman Mahalingam
2 min readOct 8, 2021


Paused Hyperlpase © Venkataraman M


A man from Earth, slipped into a strange kingdom in the clouds. Facing the fact that there was no way back, he slowly sank into depression.He journaled his time there in an attempt to preserve his sanity.These tattered log entries — tied together by a shoelace — were found by a few kids as the pages floated to the ground on a clear sunny day.

Log entry — day 45:

Italy, Greece, India, Germany.
Siberia, Morocco, Spain, and Mexico City.

My solemn declaration — I have travelled the world.

My hatred for this cruel movement bubbles,
for travel is thrust upon me without my consent.
My life here is stranded, yet in continuous motion,
propelled by wind, in this perpetual travelling tomb.

Pricking at my heart, rolling beads of tears dry,
My muscles relax, then they resign.

As if standing on a freighter that picks up pace,
here tiny leaps become horizontal dives.
Do not twitch or trip, for here to land is to slam,
A dainty hop or leap, then a sudden splat.

Sneaky speed tags gravity,
first to pull then obliterate.

I ache for a chance to trust life again,
I yearn to leap for what I love.
I long to be able to just let go,
to not be clobbered before I get a turn.

In every world, it teases and taunts,
Gravity is a bitch, no matter where I am.

© Venkataraman Mahalingam

This is part IV of ongoing series, “Cloud Cities”.

Thank you, Sahil Patel, for the platform.
Thank you, readers, so much for your valuable time.



Venkataraman Mahalingam

I write to spark ideas, experiences and narratives floating about—Passionate about a good story, a fun plan & a fresh perspective—RE Bullet 500 is what I ride