Crisis-Joy Poem

Sache Bel
Published in
Sep 21, 2022

When midlife is as exciting as it is confusing!

In the sweet 20s and 30s, we hear about mid-life crisis. I did too like millions of others. But just like the many, it felt a life time away when I was in my 20s. The sweet energy of youth, ambition and equal recklessness! Times that can neither be recreated nor joyfully missed in the real mid-life. So when mid-life has hit my hot ass self for real, it sure seems like a strange time. The enthusiasm is that of the youth but with ever so slightly diminished energy and lot more forethought. But it’s still hurray from me! It is a wonderful life after all!

Crisis Joy [Background Image: Marianne Bos on Unsplash]

©Sache Bel, 2022. All rights reserved.



Sache Bel

Freelance writer, author, poet, corporate junkie, and simply a lover of life! Twitter: @bel_sache } Instagram: sache.bel | FB public profile: Sache Bel