Final Destination

Hybrid poem

Breathe & Be Still
Jul 23, 2022


Photo Credit | Author

All aboard the busy train!
Don’t forget your calendar
your rain coat
your checkbook
and your post-it notes
of all you might need — hurry past the other passengers — no time for eye-contact — there’s a collection of responsibilities — entirely self-imposed — awaiting you at the next station.

Not to fret — we’ve tinted the windows from inside out to blacken all distractions — passing you by…Don’t forget to mind your step— keep holding your breath — while exiting towards your final destination.

©Breathe & Be Still

Thank you for reading and thank you to Sahil Patel for publishing this work on Lifeline. If you are interested in more on this theme you may appreciate The Descent: A poem on mindless connection.

