Heart and Home

Where I belong

Colleen Millsteed
Published in
3 min readApr 20, 2024


Sitting in front of a fire, warm coffee beside me, is my definition of home.
Image courtesy of Pixabay

This poem has been written as part of Sahil Patel’s Lifeline’s poetry prompts. Thank you, Sahil for the invite.

Today’s prompt is: Write a poem that talks about what ‘home’ means to you. Use your senses, feelings, and memories to show what makes a home special. Think about things like the cosy feeling of being with loved ones, the familiar sights and sounds, or the sense of belonging. Make it personal and heartfelt.

Heart and Home

Where I belong

The word home fills my heart with warm fuzzies,
Because home is my haven, it’s where I belong,
The place I’m free to be authentically me,
And when I’m sad, it’s the place in which I long.

Home is within my son’s belly-hurting laughter,
It’s within his smile when I come into sight,
In his warm hugs of hello and the safety of his thoughts,
And it’s in his heartfelt “I love you”, it’s where it feels right.

Home is in the purr of my little ginger feline,
It’s in her ‘biscuits’ that she kneads upon my lap,
Her warmth as she nestles close when I lay in slumber,
And it’s in her safety and security when she trusts me to nap.



Colleen Millsteed

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.