How Can I Forget Each Haven We Created as if We Would Live Forever?

“Where thou art, that is home.” — Emily Dickinson

Caroline de Braganza


Image by 51581 from Pixabay

A lump in my throat and teardrops well
As I write this poem of
A dozen homes over four decades
Each made with a unique blend of us.

And here, the last home we shared,
I remember the history of every shelf
And curtain track we put up,
Bickering or bantering,
Is it straight?
Spirit level and spiritual levels vying for attention.

His cursing as a drill bit breaks,
The coffee table he built from scrap wood
And I painted blue,
The huge couch we bought at the second-hand shop.

How can I forget each haven we created as if we would live forever?

I behold and touch the
Saucepans, utensils, lamps, and curtains,
We were so certain and safe wherever we were —
A house, an apartment, or cottage —
We made each a retreat from all troubles,
A haven of peace where we could cease our
Wondering and wandering,
Leave darkness at the door,
Enter our private heaven to smile…



Caroline de Braganza

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.