I am Struggling With Life

Qudsia Inam
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2022

A Poem

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

I am struggling with life

My heart is staggered by a knife

The sorrows are making it tough to stay on my feet

But for my loved ones only, I’ll have to live

It isn’t enough for them that I breathe and walk

They expect some laughs and those silly talks

To show my loved ones that I am alive

I have to smile and try hard to survive

They are cheering for my success while wishing for me

A love that stays and a life that is free

I am struggling to deal with a day on my own

Neither looking for love nor waiting for the throne

It is difficult to breathe, let alone have fun

Nothing matters anymore, neither moon nor sun

There is no option for me to give up and leave

I’ll smile for them and will regain my belief

They remind me with love that there will be better days

I will find the happiness again, the one that stays

I am struggling today, but tomorrow has yet to come

Life will be good, and the darkness be gone



Qudsia Inam

I write about topics including relationships, life goals, love, friendship and self-improvement, through articles and poetry.