I do prefer to be an uninteresting someone

Ricardo Böck
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2021

to a pretender.

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

You act in manners that make me blush.

While we are together,

just the two of us,

you keep saying

you love me

the way I am.

I can almost fly,

my nerves surrender,

my aching past melts.

I’ve never felt that way before.

Finally, I can feel secure.

So I turn my back.

Then you act in manners that make me rush

as if I had to prove my value

over and over again.

All of a sudden my way is not enough.

I look like a child whose manners at the table are disgusting.

My hair is too short.

My clothes are too provocative.

My body is nothing but a piece of meat

[and let me tell you

[you don’t even know how to bite.

If I had to choose

between showing up with my own version

or behaving like someone

that I’m not

to please you

and your ego

you already have your answer.

I fought like a mad wrestler

to be

who I am

right now.

It took me blood, sweat and tears.

I’m not a mad dog

nor a crazy bitch.

I’m not yours for convenience.

I’ve been through too much

to give up on being me.

I’m not yours to please.

You won’t have

in me

the version of your needs,



Why does your ego have to be, always, the

most important term

of the equation?

If you are not enough

don’t poison me

with your lackness.

You act in manners that make me wanna crush

your bones

into your very

insufficient soul.



Ricardo Böck

I write fiction and poetry. Reach me on Social Networks: @iamricardobock