Is There Joy in Your Doing?

Do you work for a goal or a journey?

Asim Nori
2 min readApr 12, 2022


Photo by ELEVATE from Pexels

Are you striving towards a goal
Lost in the hopes of liberation

The journey doesn’t concern you
You only seek the sense of completion

Are you focused on the end
With no regard for the means

The result is all you care about
And do not watch the direction
In which your life leans

Do you worry about the outcome
And obstacles make you angry

Are your actions ruthless
And you have no regard for mercy

Then my friend
You are not working from the essence of your soul

The ego clouds your decisions
And your conditioning has taken the lead role

I ask you now to take a step back
And look at the picture as a whole

I want you to listen to the birds
As you move in the direction of your goal

Focus your attention on the breath
As you move towards the result in every step

The journey is the destination, my friend
Not the final step

But first
I want you to put everything aside
And ask yourself this question

Is there joy in your doing
Or are you lost in heartless manifestation



Asim Nori

A being on the path of remembrance, sharing experiences along the way.