Joy Has Been in Short Supply Lately but More Is on the Way

I’m in transition from we to me

Caroline de Braganza


Image by Andrea ☕😘 from Pixabay

Joy has been in short supply lately
Not that I don’t appreciate the
Simple pleasures of the first cup of coffee,
The morning birdsong,
The sun breaking through the clouds
After days of rain,
Or gazing at the full moon,
Basking in the pink glow
Of sunset across the valley.

You see, for so long
It was always we,
Always us riding the bus
Of this journey together,
Our senses alert to
Life’s gifts that are free
If we only pay attention.

I mention this lack because
Now it’s only me.
I cannot share a smile
Or a knowing look
Because there’s nobody there
With whom to share
No mirror of his presence
In which to reflect my joy.



Caroline de Braganza

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.