Lifeline | Poetry

A Renter’s Journey


Sahil Patel


Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

Leaving, as renters, with no place to own,
Packing up dreams, in boxes, we're thrown.
From one place to another, our journey unfolds,
Feelings of hope and uncertainty, in our hearts, they hold.

No walls to call ours, no garden to tend,
We follow the lease, round every bend.
Yet the memories we make, in each rented space,
Fill our hearts with joy, and sometimes, a trace

Of sadness, as we bid our goodbyes,
To the walls that have witnessed our tears and our highs.
But the world is our home, and we roam as we please,
Leaving behind footprints, like whispers in the breeze.

Though we're renters, not owners, in this transient life,
Our hearts find a home, amidst joy and strife.
For home is not just walls, it's the love that we share,
In the journey we take, going from here to there.

For over 18 years of my life, I’ve been a renter, with only fleeting moments spent in a place I could truly call my own. It’s a journey filled with mixed emotions – the excitement of exploring new spaces, the anticipation of fresh beginnings, yet the ever-present awareness that this isn’t a permanent haven. Each rental, a chapter in a nomadic story, where I’ve made memories within walls that don’t belong to me. There’s a sense of longing, a yearning for stability, for a home where I can paint the walls any color I desire, plant roots, and watch them grow.

It’s a constant negotiation between wanting a place to call my own and the reality of depending on someone else’s property. Sometimes, the relationship with landlords can be smooth, and I feel grateful for their understanding. But there are moments when it’s a challenge. The uncertainty of lease renewals and navigating the rules set by others can be frustrating. Staying at someone else’s mercy can sometimes make me feel like a guest rather than a resident. Yet, it’s taught me to be adaptable and appreciate the kindness of those who provide shelter along this renter’s journey.



Sahil Patel

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.