Lifeline | Lifeline Prompt | March

March’s First Week Prompt Of Lifeline

Sharing Echoes of Hurt

Sahil Patel
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2024


Photo by Quaid Lagan on Unsplash

Hey everyone, I couldn’t post poetry prompts on Lifeline because my laptop broke down and it threw me off track. I’m back now, though, ready to get you all inspired again. Did you miss my weekly poetry prompts? I sure hope so! It’s good to be back, and I can’t wait to embark on this poetic journey once more, together with all of you. Let’s dive back into the world of words, where inspiration knows no bounds.

I’m going to give you a prompt today that explores the wounds caused by deeply cut words, the echoes of hurt.Inflicting words are like sharp needles that cut the heart and ache long after they are said; we are all familiar with this pain. I want you to use this prompt to share those hurtful echoes and to mend the harm caused by stupid words and careless speech.

You can communicate the depth of your feelings via your poetry, find comfort in the writing process, and possibly even mend the scars that continue to hurt. Thus, pause to consider the words that have hurt you, and allow your poetry to serve as a medium for self-expression and healing. Together, let’s go off on this adventure.

This week’s prompt is,



Sahil Patel

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.