Migratory Birds

- the heart is where home is!

Neera Handa Dr


Image Credit Author Kahlo Exhibition

Home is where heart ❤ is!!
Our hearts 💕 get split 💔 into two!
We migratory birds!!
Sometimes lucky to have two homes,
sometimes, none we belong to!! 🐦 🐦 🐦

On my last day back at home, while seeing me pack my suitcases, the youngest of the kids had asked in a meek voice: “Will you come back again, Auntie?”

Yes ‘back’ and ‘again’ both adverbs go together here.

This grammatical combination, used for the annual, or biannual visits of those who live in another country, is about their coming back ‘home’ to renew their relationship with their homeland!

Coming back, however, is not forever, and so is not going away again. Both are temporary! None is for ever!!

Yes, like migratory birds, we keep coming back, again and again; bound by the ties of love and routine, memories and expectations, relations and relationships.

Migratory birds keep coming back to the same places, in the same season, year after year, for sustenance, till the seasons actually change, when it gets cold where it used to be warm, and it dries up, where it used to rain!



Neera Handa Dr

Top writer in poetry & Sustainability, compulsive writer, reading, writing just about anything. I write daily, have published a PhD, a book & academic articles.