She Belonged In A World Unchained

Where she could lengthen her smile

Colleen Millsteed
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2022


She Belonged In A World Unchained. Where she can lengthen her smile. A Poem written by Colleen Millsteed.
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

She longed for a better happier world
A world where she felt she belonged,
One that consists of such magical love
That pure happiness was prolonged.

She wanted her own special place
Where she could stretch her bones,
Singing in time with the moon’s music
Radiating the warmth of its tones.

A graceful bubble of bright rainbows
Deserving of her lengthened smile,
The wind whispering sweet nothings
Listening, determined to stay awhile.

Wishing to be forever in her dreams
She aches for a place to spread her hair,
Knowing she is one with the pristine light
A safe haven, protected, without a care.

She was born out of the sun’s fiery rays
Forever searching for a place unchained,
One where her arms could offer love
Without cutting, bruising, constant pain.

I told her she knew of such a glorious place
But first she must stop, listen and…



Colleen Millsteed

Top Writer in Poetry. I’m a Finance Manager with a love of both numbers and words.