Summertime Memories

Giulietta Passarelli
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2024


April’s Second Week Prompt of Lifeline — Exploring Childhood Memories of Summer

Photo by Mink Mingle on Unsplash

summer brought languid days of heat
when summers were consistently hot
every day
not like now when we never know
what type of weather we’ll get anytime
during the year, including summer

summer days and nights were very hot
no fans, no air conditioning
but the best part was not having to
go to school

sleeping later than usual
summer walks with neighborhood
shooting marbles and flipping
baseball cards
hanging out at the pizza parlor

there was lots of swimming at the
shore, trying not to get burnt, warm
salty waves that kept coming
its rocking motions stayed with you
until sleep time

hours on the beach and in the water
playing in the sand building castles
and things
going on amusement rides on the
eating specialties and hot pretzels



Giulietta Passarelli

Author/Poet/Writer of middle gr. novels, short stories, poems, for adults, YA, the ageless:; updates website every 1st of the month.