Motivation | Life

Tears Behind Smile

The painful reality of life

Sahil Patel


We all say that we are fine,

Being alive doesn’t mean being fine.

We don’t share what we feel,

It’s like everyone will steal our happiness.

We don’t express what we want,

And never confront.

We cry inside,

So that no one knows you cried,

And smile in front of everyone,

And act like you are the only happier.

We tend to hide our tears,

And show our smile,

So that everyone thinks we are fine.

Let your tears fall,

It’s okay if someone will see it.

We all go through hard times,

And believe me, time will heal everything.

Don’t hide your emotions,

Because emotions need to be expressed.

Don’t hide your tears,

They won’t last long,

They are there for some time.

Don’t fake smile,

Happiness is a feeling that needs to be felt to enjoy life.

Some of us hide our pain,

To avoid showing weaknesses,

But the reality is no one is perfect,

Everyone has some weaknesses.

Some of us hide our pain,

To avoid getting hurt,

By not sharing what you feel,

You are anyway hurting yourself.

There will be people who will not understand what are you going through,

But there will be your loved ones,

Who will help you,

So no more fake smiles,

Smile with full of happiness and enjoyment.

“Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself”.

-Walter Anderson

The universal truth about life is that bad things do happen. Neither millionaires nor poor people have all good days in their lives. I always have some questions about life.

There will be bad days and bad phases in life. You don’t have any control over it. Then why do we try so hard to control them?

When did we know the truth then why we can’t accept a bad day easily?

When do we know that a bad day is just about a day then why can’t we handle the bad day with a smile?

We all know that we have a very short life, then why do we always complain about things rather than live happily?

Whenever someone asks us, how are you? We mostly reply like this, I am fine, I am great or I am good no matter what we are going through.

Society taught us to be happy no matter we are feeling happy or not. Just wear a smile and say you are fine.

Many people have thousands of pain, but they easily hide it with one smile.

Smile can be fake but tears can not be.

There are many bad effects of suppressing your emotions.

  • Bad mental health
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Break relationships

Allow yourself to feel pain, rather than hiding it.

Don’t be good at hiding your pain, be good at expressing it. It will help you in a long run. It’s okay to feel pain and have painful moments in life.

I hope you enjoyed the read.

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Sahil Patel

3× Top Writer in Poetry| Reading | Inspiration.