The Beauty of Sunshine


Connie Song
1 min readApr 20, 2023


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

East is east and west is west,
April still holds a chill in the air
though it is filled with promise,

yet how does one calculate the beauty of sunshine?
in its wavelengths
or micrometers or ultraviolet rays

or in the smiles of everyone who basks in its warm glow?
Sunshine is like brushstrokes of art,

it is as powerful as music in uplifting spirits,
an eternal elixir for the soul.
Pour yourself a cup of sunshine
and listen to a favorite song.

YouTube — Walking on Sunshine, Katrina & The Waves

grace notes: I would hazard a guess that there are scientific reasons why sunshine heals us, body and soul. The health benefits of sunshine include generating the production of vitamin D for bone health; it can increase serotonin, that helps regulate a sense of well-being, happiness, helps lower blood pressure and boosts mental health. Almost nothing can compare to being outdoors enjoying the sunshine to free your mind. Would you agree?

© Connie Song 2023. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song

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