The Eyes…

Juliet Romeo
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2024

It’s all about the eyes ….

Photo by Domingo Alvarez E on Unsplash

August, my grandson, has unknowingly given me the honor of studying eyes… his eyes in particular.

They are the window to his mind, emotions, heart, soul, and spirit.
The window to his core.

I watch him look up, down, sideways, behind, and before him. Every which way he looks, he seems to look at things with wonder and pure acceptance of what he sees.

Sometimes, his eyes are captivating with a sense of jubilance. Other times, he looks peaceful, as if he sees something only he is allowed to see.

Then there are the times he looks with a sense of simply being okay with how he is feeling at that very moment. It could be a sad look just because, or maybe he’s tired or a little sick with cold symptoms…. August moments.

All his looks are unfiltered and have a sense of unguarded awareness. These looks quietly say he is loved and safe.

I see his father’s eyes in him at times
I see his mother’s eyes in him at times.
Most of the time, I see the eyes of August that are uniquely his.

When he does his one-of-a-kind August smile, his eyes also smile as brightly as possible. When I witness this, it takes my breath away.

As he gets older, no doubt he’ll say,
“Grandma quit staring at me.” I will softly giggle, knowing that he understands my stares are very harmless… just annoying.
But he will say this with humor because this little guy already has a good sense of humor.

His nature seems to lean towards happiness and curiosity with every moment.

The people who are welcomed into his world will never be the same…
I know I’m not the same…

The Eyes…
It’s all about the eyes…

I love you, little guy…
Grandma Juliet…🥰



Juliet Romeo

My passion for writing is blossoming and reaching out in many directions. Poetry, short stories, self reflection. Dark and humorous. Wicked and sharp.