The Gift of Music

Based on the Music prompt in Lifeline

1 min readOct 28, 2021


I am grateful,
To the creator,
To gift me good ears,
To listen to the magnificent music,
Throughout my life.

Without music,
I can’t imagine my life,
The wordless music,
The isochronic tones,
Makes me serene,
The cluttered mind,
Becomes still,
As if the light of the music,
Enlighten the darkness of the mind.

In the gaps between tones,
There is a stillness,
Where it awakens me,
To self-realization.

This is called,
The music of the soul,
The soul of mine and the tone of the music,
Entangle into oneness.

Wherever I am,
There will be music.
Thank you, God,
For the creative source, you created,
Through wonderful individuals,
To create masterpieces.

Thank you, Sahil Patel for the wonderful prompt.

I’m joining the 30-day challenge with Brown Boi and Ali and this is the 25th work of this challenge. 25/30 done!

