Juliet Romeo
Published in
1 min readNov 18, 2023

It’s always been there…

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

The coolness surrounds me on this chilly night
The slight breeze feels like feathers on my skin
I look up at the night sky, and what do I see?
I see the night looking back at me
It gives me pause as my eyes slowly adjust
To the silence of the infinite sky penetrating my depth

What is the meaning of this vastness beyond?
What is this hope I feel building within?
What is this peace and joy I sense so grand to my core?
Is there so much more possible than I ever knew?
Did I not see that what’s within matters so much?
How do I open this treasure of gifts when the opening seems to be amiss?

Is it possible it’s always been there, and I was looking elsewhere?
I now know about the glory of trust
Now I know this gift is in me
Now I know this gift is my peace
The silence above grows stronger each day
I hear its voice so clearly now, and all is okay

Juliet Romeo…



Juliet Romeo

My passion for writing is blossoming and reaching out in many directions. Poetry, short stories, self reflection. Dark and humorous. Wicked and sharp.